Whether autonomously flying air taxis, modern communication satellites, goods deliveries by drone, innovative aircraft engines for electric flying or low-cost rockets - the aerospace…
Consulting Machine Learning and Analytics in development
Data Analytics and Machine Learning (ML) have become very prominent in many areas of product development. From digital assistants in…
Consulting resilience and sustainability of the organization
The success of modern development depends on a number of factors that go far beyond correct drawings, coding and the choice of…
Consulting innovation management and early development
Generate market-oriented ideas systematically and lead them to success
Anyone who wants to be successful in the long term is required to…
Consulting Product & System Lifecycle Management
As digitalization progresses, products and services become more comparable, markets more dynamic and product life cycles shorter and shorter.
Entrepreneurial success is based on the sale of products and services. It is crucial that these have an advantage over the competition and meet the changing requirements of…
Physical logistics (warehouse / warehouse 4.0, transport)
The design of inter-company material flows including the necessary support by IT processes and systems is one of the central tasks of supply…
Manufacturing companies today operate in globalised, highly competitive markets with seasonal and annual fluctuations in demand. On average, about…
Supply Chain Strategy
Decisions on the structure of global value networks have long-term and far-reaching consequences for companies. They must therefore be based on a supply chain strategy that is…
Consulting factory and logistics planning
A look at many locations shows that plant structures survive for a long time. It is therefore particularly important to proceed with prudence and…
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