Designing research & development (R&D) as a key component of long-term corporate success
Entrepreneurial success is based on the sale of products and services. To achieve this, it is crucial that they gain a competitive edge and meet the changing requirements of customers, society, and politics. This change constantly presents companies with new challenges, which they must master both holistically and specifically through R&D.
Topics such as sustainability and AI create new framework conditions
Examples of such requirements include the development of sustainable products ("circular economy" and "eco-design") and changing technologies and guidelines, for example in the areas of AI, e-mobility, MedTech and pharmaceuticals.
Just as products must continuously evolve as a consequence, R&D itself must also adapt strategically. The approach and the necessary investments must be aligned with the overarching corporate strategy and take a longer-term perspective into account.
What does "R&D strategy" mean - and how should it be created?
In general, we understand "strategy" to mean the identification of critical challenges – combined with a consistent portfolio of goals and measures to solve these challenges.
In a first step, you work with us to identify and formulate the critical challenges for your company. EFESO supports you with the experience and expertise of its employees to better understand the associated trends and their implications for your business.
This clear objective - mastering this critical challenge - now enables you to compare it with the overarching business strategy and select measures and initiatives.
EFESO supports you in the formulation, elaboration and implementation of development strategies as well as in the development of effective management tools and the necessary core competencies. In order to formulate an R&D strategy, we usually clarify eight questions with you:
- What role do product and service innovations play in your entrepreneurial business model?
- Which positioning should be chosen with regard to cost and technology leadership in competition?
- Which technologies must be mastered within the company in order to implement the strategy?
- Which legal and regulatory requirements need to be mastered now and in the future?
- Which competencies and resources need to be built up for this?
- Which areas in the product or solution ecosystem should be occupied and where are strategic innovation partnerships necessary?
- What relevance will technology and product platforms have?
- What significance do regional product variants have?
Based on these questions and their impact on the objectives, decisions are made about the organizational footprint, processes, staff, and product/service portfolio.

EFESO's scenario approach to R&D strategy development
With regard to the long-term nature of strategy development, EFESO supports you with an approach in which various scenarios for the future are jointly developed and evaluated. To this end, we work with you to examine 38 key influencing factors from five categories:
- Framework conditions and environment
- People and society
- Product and technology
- Organization and management
- Processes, methods and tools
As a result, you receive a clear picture of which strategic initiatives you can meaningfully derive and implement.
R&D strategy development is a continuous process
The development of an R&D strategy is not a one-off process, but must be subject to continuous review and fine-tuning – especially with regard to the underlying assumptions.
Implementing an R&D strategy with a monitoring system
It is therefore essential that the strategy process is flanked by a suitable monitoring system. This must record key indicators, initiate strategy adjustments and enable an active translation of the strategy into structural changes. We work with you to design this system and support you in its sustainable implementation.
However, in times of ever faster change and increasingly complex technologies, strategy development is more than just a task for top management. Senior management is increasingly dependent on the strategic understanding and thinking of middle management. This often requires managers to be introduced to the mindset and methods of strategy development. For this purpose, EFESO draws on its extensive expertise in the areas of management and leadership training and coaching.
EFESO: Your consulting partner along the entire strategy process
Take advantage of EFESO's expertise in solving these tasks:
- Analyses of the status quo in R&D (structural and procedural maturity, organizational capabilities, performance potential, benchmarking against the competition).
- Evaluation of medium and long-term relevant trends.
- Development of strategic scenarios.
- Development of efficient strategy and monitoring processes.
- Identification and evaluation of strategic improvement measures for R&D.
- Support in the sustainable implementation of the identified initiatives.