Our services for the realignment of the R&D organization

EFESO has a global network of experts and many years of cross-industry expertise in the re-alignment and optimization of R&D organizations. This includes the strategic alignment of the product and service portfolio with your company's customers and target markets as well as the optimization of existing R&D processes to help shape and efficiently implement the Product portfolio in the right balance between innovation, standardization and customer orientation.

We support you with the following services:

Holistic approach to boosting R&D performance

In view of current challenges such as digitization and the sustainable transformation of their own business model, companies are increasingly faced with the challenge of increasing the value contribution of their development organization while at the same time improving the efficiency of their R&D processes. A holistic approach is required to position oneself successfully in this area of tension and to sustainably increase the performance of the R&D organization. Our proven I2V approach provides a set of effective levers to increase the performance of your R&D organization, tailored to the customer-specific maturity level.

In this way, we enable our customers to improve the operation of their R&D organization and thus create scope that they can use to build up and expand future-oriented capabilities or competencies.   


Christoph Wotzka

Christoph Wotzka

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Alain Leroy

Alain Leroy
Senior Principal

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Bild eines Monitors der das Haus steuert
©zhu difeng/shutterstock.com
Case Studies

Transformation through smart product development. A job for the "I-Team": A strong development team at a manufacturer of household appliances recorded solid success. But now customers want to network kitchen appliances, refrigerators and mixers in the “smart home”. EFESO established an "I-Team" with the fresh perspective of "digital natives" and accompanied the internal change with great success.

Frau an einer computergesteuerten Medikamentenausgabe
Case Studies

In a pharmaceutical company that has established itself at the forefront of the industry with an extensive portfolio of hospital and medicinal products. Over the years, topics such as structures and process standards have fallen out of focus. With the support of EFESO, the company reacted quickly and created a concrete action plan for its worldwide product lifecycle management (PLM) in just nine months.

Aufnahme eines Fertigungsstraße für LED
Case Studies

Innovation impulses for lighting designers. The LED revolution has made many business models obsolete, while the wave of digitization and the associated technological change have increased the pace of change by a factor of X. To keep pace here, agile working methods are necessary not only in manufacturing, but also in R&D. Lean methods can prove particularly helpful - but can they be transferred 1:1 from manufacturing to development?

Zwei sitzende Frauen klatschen
Lean Digital Manager ©S_L/shutterstock.com
Case Studies

Shaping the factory of the future with Lean 4.0. How can lean principles be combined with the technologies and possibilities of networked digitization in value creation networks? By further qualifying employees to become decision-makers. The EFESO certification program for "Lean Digital Manager" shows how digitalization of lean production works. To do this, it combines strategies with Industry 4.0 technologies.

Zwei Maenner vor einem Computer
©Alessandro Romagnoli/shutterstock.com
Case Studies

The energy market is data-driven, smart solutions determine the business model. In order to always be a step ahead of the competition, one thing is required: flexibility in thinking and acting. A utility company wanted to take the performance of its global R&D organization to a new level. In the first step, together with EFESO, it obtained a general overview of the respective degree of agilization of the various R&D units and processes.

Case Studies

Cost transformation from premium to volume provider. Mass manufacturers who expand their Product portfolio into higher price segments are not uncommon. A premium manufacturer of refrigeration appliances, on the other hand, takes the opposite approach. What seems banal from a technological point of view is an enormous challenge from a cost perspective. EFESO accompanied the company in this demanding transformation project.

Game Changer Medical Device Regulation
Case Studies

To MDR-compliant product lifecycle management in nine months. Adhesive plasters, care sets or surgical supplies: with a portfolio of around 40,000 items, the company is one of the leading providers of medical and hygiene products. Own sales companies and production sites in and outside of Europe contribute significantly to the success. The companies act independently and markets are served on a customer-specific basis.

Portfolio-Kompass für Zukunftssicherheit
Case Studies

On course for growth with innovative strength and customer proximity. A medical technology manufacturer has successfully positioned itself internationally as a market leader. With thousands of products, the Group offers a varied portfolio worldwide and thus covers a wide range of applications. However, in the innovation-driven and dynamically growing medical technology market, portfolio size alone is no guarantee of future security and growth.

Case Studies

The second largest seaport in the EU is realigning its positioning with EFESO as a 'community builder'. This port of Antwerp-Bruges has to face several challenges at the same time: In an increasingly competitive and unstable international market, it is always a question of ensuring further growth - while being able to react to the growing influence of different interest groups. In addition, there were congestion problems during the project period.