Sustainable Change Adoption

In order to anchor new ways of thinking and behavior effectively and sustainably in the company, continuous support of the employees is required as well as instruments and mechanisms to measure the progress of the process and to counteract undesirable developments. EFESO pursues a holistic, field-tested approach for Sustainable Change Adoption, which addresses three central aspects:

  • Plans and changes that make sense to people.
    Change communications are aligned with strategy, values and existing communications concepts. Content is relevant, engaging, and reaches target audiences. Executives and other stakeholders effectively perform their role as communicators. Target groups actively participate in the process and provide positive feedback.
  • Measures meet with willingness to change
    Leaders at the management and store floor levels share overarching and project-related goals. Their roles and contributions in implementation are clearly defined. Coaching/empowerment measures are implemented as needed. Multipliers and managers work together to promote readiness for change and reduce resistance.
  • Strong employees as part of transformation success
    All stakeholders and target groups are systematically involved in the change process and take responsibility. Confident and well-trained employees can make optimum use of the new tools and processes. The new ways of working are anchored in daily practice.

These levers are individually adapted for each company or transformation project and implemented together with management and employees. In this way, we create the working environment and the traction for sustainable change.

EFESO creates the right environment for sustainable transformation

To create optimal conditions for successful change, we work with six directly controllable levers at the management and store floor level.



Top-down / management level

  • Mobilize leadership: Management gains clarity about its role and its own contributions to the process, and strategic goals are concretized for business units and the shop floor.
  • Communicate meaningfulness: Information, positive examples and successful role models, the necessary time and, if necessary, other supporting resources are provided and are always available.
  • Maintaining dialog: Communication at regular intervals is ensured, with targeted information, feedback from both sides and clearly regulated escalation processes.


Bottom-up / shop floor level

  • Involve target groups: Different target groups are involved in the process according to their needs and positions, and implementation decisions are delegated when possible.
  • Create positive experiences: For early, regular experiences of success, e.g., prototypes and demo versions are provided and the exchange of applications and best practices is encouraged.
  • Acquiring new skills: To promote the acquisition of new skills, employees are given time, learning examples and feedback, and new skills are actively incorporated into the organization.

This creates an environment that optimally supports the transformation from the shop floor to management and sustainably anchors the change in the company.



Dr. Thomas Troll

Dr. Thomas Troll
Senior Partner

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Zuzana Halasova

Zuzana Halasova
Expert Director

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Dr. Bernhard Burger

Dr. Bernhard Burger
Expert Director

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Sasa Rujevcan

Sasa Rujevcan
Senior Manager

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