With the team of EFESO's consultants you prepare your company adequately for these and further market developments. According to our guiding principle "REAL RESULTS, TOGETHER" we work with you worldwide in a solution- and result-oriented manner. In all phases of industrial value creation, you benefit from our industry expertise in mechanical and plant engineering, for example in these tasks:



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Dr Thomas Troll

Dr. Thomas Troll

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Bild einer Industrieanlage
Case Study

The EFESO OPEX model: activate the forces of excellence. You learn from mistakes. It is important that continuous improvement is the result. In industry, this is targeted as "Operational Excellence", or OPEX for short. Instead of resorting to off-the-shelf solutions, companies should develop their own strategies here - like the group from the steel industry, which successfully used the OPEX model from EFESO in its plants.

Close-up einer Maschine
Case Study

A plant and mechanical engineering company had to ensure its competitiveness. EFESO identified all the adjustment screws for the necessary changes at a production site in Germany and got the turnaround going with a multi-layered restructuring approach.

Bild einer Industrienaemaschine
©HelloRF Zcool/shutterstock.com
Case Study

In China, the "made in Germany" label stands for innovative strength, quality and a high level of development competence on the part of the manufacturers. A textile machine manufacturer wanted to reduce the variance and complexity within the Product portfolio. The main goals: reducing costs and strengthening the position in the Chinese market. With the China expertise of EFESO, a solid, regional supplier network was created in a short time.

Case Study

An automotive supplier improved the transparency of work and organizational processes in a production plant for dashboards. With a "Digital Process Twin" from EFESO, the company reduced the reject rate and made improvement potentials in its value creation networks visible.

Zwei sitzende Frauen klatschen
Lean Digital Manager ©S_L/shutterstock.com
Case Study

Shaping the factory of the future with Lean 4.0. How can lean principles be combined with the technologies and possibilities of networked digitization in value creation networks? By further qualifying employees to become decision-makers. The EFESO certification program for "Lean Digital Manager" shows how digitalization of lean production works. To do this, it combines strategies with Industry 4.0 technologies.

Mann sitz an einer Produktionsmaschine
Case Study

Reorganization of the manufacturing landscape: A manufacturer of industrial pumps is pursuing the goal of achieving a new sales growth record within three years. With EFESO, the mechanical engineering company therefore put the manufacturing footprint of eight locations and subsidiaries in its international production network to the test. Among other things, it analyzed the product groups and segmented the manufacturing landscape.

Case Study

A mechanical engineering company wants to activate the digital innovation potential at its global locations by switching from SAP R/3 to SAP S/4HANA. Together with EFESO, it revitalized an ERP / MES transformation that had previously been started with another service provider and threatened to lead to a costly dead end.