Product Machining Excellence
In manufacturing, individual machines – or in cases of exceptionally high demand, even the entire machine fleet – often turn out to be bottlenecks and significant cost drivers. Moreover, replacing machinery and equipment is capital-intensive, resulting in a direct negative impact on cash flow.
Therefore, enhancing the performance of existing machines and equipment plays a central role in EFESO’s product excellence initiatives. With a holistic approach to cycle time optimization and increasing the OEE of existing machinery, we achieve significant improvements without additional CAPEX investments. In doing so, we rely primarily on two particularly advanced, self-developed and refined methods: video analysis and “Software-Based Machine Tuning.”
AI-Based video analysis in manufacturing
The video analysis uses AI-powered software for time-synchronized camera sequences and multi-image analysis, which has already been used in more than 600 analyses. It is ideally suited for analyzing environments with numerous machine movements or peripheral activities (e.g., robots) – in machining, assembly, and any kind of automation across multiple industries.
Our project footprint in video analysis
This type of video analysis can identify and evaluate weaknesses and optimization potential with exceptional depth. In general, five application areas can be defined where video analysis provides particularly significant optimization leverage:
The value of using video analysis is demonstrated by the following example:
Video analysis of existing infrastructure enables an increase in output of at least 9%
Initial situation
Challenges in a series or large-scale production:
- Urgent need to increase capacity
- Reduction of cycle time
- Bottlenecks in the manufacturing process
- Capacity requirements for new products (identify performance reserves)
- Quality optimization (e.g. high reject rate)
- Availability problem (unplanned downtime due to process problems)
Approach / method
- Multiple camera installation & video recording
- Sequencing with video-analysis tool
- Idea documentation, based on micro potentials
- Review of ideas with customer team
- Implementation plan development (including realization)
Customer Value Added
Software-Based Machine Tuning in production
“Software-Based Machine Tuning” is a specialized method for improving the cycle times of existing CNC machines without additional investments in hardware. Following a preliminary analysis of the machine software, an additional solution is installed that enables adaptive control and AI-supported real-time data analysis.
Our project footprint in Software-Based Machine Tuning
The following example illustrates how existing potential can be fully maximized:
software-based machine tuning
Initial situation
Challenges in a series or large-scale production:
- Urgent need to increase capacity
- Reduction of cycle time
- Bottlenecks in the manufacturing process
- Capacity requirements for new products (identify performance reserves)
- Quality optimization (e.g. high reject rate)
- Availability problem (unplanned downtime due to process problems)
Approach / method
- Quick check and pre-analysis of machine software
- Offline preparation of software installation
- Software installation and implementation of tools at the machines for adaptive feed control with smart real-time data analysis
- Cut-check data to confirm efficiency improvement
Customer Value Added

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