Web-based Trainings

Learn conveniently at your own computer - flexible, whenever and wherever you want. With standardized web-based trainings, which we develop for your company with regard to content and technical provision, you can access produced learning content and build up a solid foundation of knowledge on the focus topics of your choice. In addition, web-based trainings offer the great advantage that they can be used by several people in your company across different locations. The following sample video gives you an impression of such a training, which we can create in various durations and styles.

Web-Based Training

Live Online Trainings

Deepen your expertise in process, leadership, and digital excellence across key areas of your company. To do this, choose your individual topics from our training portfolio, after which our experts tailor the content to your specific requirements, and deliver the live online training at a scheduled time. To enhance interaction, we use modern methods and tools such as digital whiteboards, breakout rooms, online surveys, live chats, and engaging presentation media.

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Participants from different locations of a company work on an assignment. ©fizkes/adobe.stock

Virtual Learning Groups

Solve specific problems in your company through collaborative group work with selected colleagues. You meet at fixed times in virtual learning groups, which our experts organize and professionally moderate. As learning facilitators, we support you in developing solutions and promote the knowledge sharing within the group. In this way, you benefit more from peer-to-peer learning in your company and gain new ideas and insights to perform your professional tasks.

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Learning Videos & Webinars

Use our videos and recorded webinars to familiarize yourself with the basic elements and concepts. The spectrum of topics ranges from digitalization and Industry 4.0 to lean management in various business areas through to leadership in transformation. You can watch the videos and webinars at any time on the Learning Campus YouTube channel.


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