Analytics Dashboards
An "output" of several thousand exabytes of data is associated with automation and digitization in industry - year after year. With image scans for documentation and quality assurance in manufacturing processes, voice-controlled assistants, newly integrated system interfaces in the digital store floor and many other technological development steps, this flood of data will continue to increase.
In order to be able to filter out the relevant information from the quantity and complexity of the data output for decisions in day-to-day business, operations managers need adequate tools. Here, analytics dashboards are indispensable, which visualize the data from various sources in a user-friendly manner.
Keeping an eye on the pulse of value creation - in real time
Many digitization initiatives pursue the goal of achieving constant availability of all relevant information about important processes and workflows. However, this mostly relates to sub-areas of the organization: in manufacturing, for example, to being able to make statements about the current production status quickly and with little effort and, if necessary, to create scenarios/forecasts of future developments.
Taken by itself, this already provides valuable insights. It becomes particularly exciting when this information is processed on a larger, cross-departmental, cross-plant or even cross-company scale. Analytics dashboards are indispensable here. Because they expand the perspective on the pulse of value creation via graphics, diagrams, benchmarks and other formats, in real time and on desktop PCs, tablets or smartphones, regardless of location.
With EFESO, companies bring "Real Time Analytics Dashboards" to bear to harness the potential of their data. With our Industry 4.0 expertise, we make the flow of information across the stations of the value chain tangible and coordinable - always with a view to concrete added value.
Starting points, dimensions and objectives of a dashboard development vary depending on the project. In contrast to a purely IT/technology-focused approach, our customers benefit from our deep technical expertise in the Pproduction environment and in the establishment and further development of smart factories. A selection from our project references gives a first impression of possible dashboard applications:
With our customers in the manufacturing industry, we create customized dashboard solutions for application areas such as:
- IBP Digital Cockpit: With an integrated digital assistant, we record critical situations, detect unexpected patterns in data and find efficient solutions to problems. •
- Technology Screening: We support the selection of the appropriate technical platform for the dashboards with vendor-independent consulting. For example, we consider PowerBi, Qlik or Python scripts, among others, when implementing the dashboards in the MES.
- Sales Forecasting: We visualize expected forecasts, variances across markets and SKUs, integrated with a digital assistant for trend alerts.
- Quality cockpit: We provide real-time visualization and monitoring of KPIs and non-conformances, highlighting root causes and enabling quality predictions.
- Manufacturing Cockpit: We create a tool to monitor production efficiency in real time and forecast quality from sensor data.

Project: A mechanical engineering company developed a dashboard for manual queries about actual stock levels from its ERP system. It should also be possible to compare this with production requirements in order to obtain a basis for repeat orders.
- Making stocks transparent
- Be able to define actual & target ranges for a better basis for decision-making
- Automated reading of the existing databases of the ERP system
- Tracking of inventory history per item/part number/product group
- Individual analyses per dispatcher and part number
- Automated comparison with target stocks and determination of potential in EUR
Improve data quality
However, a comprehensible, user-oriented visualization is only helpful if the quality and reliability of the underlying data are right. Accordingly, in dashboard projects, we focus just as much on optimal data integration as on a needs-based interface. Classically, projects also include the linking of "data pots" from ERP, MES and CAQ systems. Here we provide support for further challenges such as:
- Analysis of system data and creation of data structures
- Resolution of differences/gaps between ERP (order numbers) and CAQ systems (additional numbers)
- Assignment of errors to the order or to the product
- Improvement of master data quality
EFESO knows the needs and critical interfaces for structuring, visualizing and controlling data in industry. We know what we are looking for and identify gaps faster - creating the optimal starting point for channeling data output.