Practical insights from top decision-makers from food & beverage, mechanical engineering and the consumer goods industry

Decision-makers from manufacturing companies in the food & beverage, mechanical engineering and consumer goods sectors were surveyed for the study. In addition, the company size and customer focus (B2B/B2C) were surveyed. All respondents take a central leadership role in the transformation of their company, e.g. as CEO, COO, Head of Corporate CSR, Business Unit Manager or Leader Risk, Legal and Invest. First, the respondents evaluated the 13 formulated theses in terms of their probability of occurrence and the respective impact on their company. Whether and how the companies are preparing for the respective developments could be added openly. The evaluation was carried out both qualitatively and quantitatively. Results with a high degree of selectivity and significance were selected for presentation.

ROI-EFESO x RecycleMe
Interview with initiators

Theses for a sustainable industrial future

The study takes decision-makers back to the year 2025.

Concrete future scenarios are formulated on the basis of 13 theses that reflect on and highlight today's developments with regard to industrial sustainability. The spectrum of topics ranges from technological developments to social aspects and regulatory issues.

The decision-makers assess how likely they think the respective developments are and how great the anticipated impact on the company will be.

This provides a meaningful picture of how far leading companies have already progressed in the industrial transformation, what developments the decision-makers in the companies are preparing for, and how strongly the individual sectors will be affected.


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Sebastian Diers

Sebastian Diers
Managing Partner

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Dr. Kai Magenheimer

Dr. Kai Magenheimer

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Sabrina Goebel

Sabrina Goebel
General Manager - RecycleMe

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