Managing and developing operations processes worldwide

With EFESO, industrial companies from different sectors create a robust Operations Footprint. Together with our global team, they solve challenging tasks in country-specific and global value creation structures. In doing so, we jointly realize the following objectives, for example:

Limit risks and benefit from market changes

Operations Footprint projects with EFESO address the following fields of action in particular. We solve these and other issues, considering company-specific requirements:


Our services for Operations Footprint design

Determine the maturity level of your Operations Footprint with EFESO and tap into its potential for cost savings, sustainability aspects or protection against supplier failures. We create a data-supported inventory of your Operations Footprint – or design it in relation to the corporate strategy. We expand this perspective by identifying the short, medium, and long-term options and directions of the Operations Footprint in a target picture.

In implementing these targets, we support your teams at your sites around the world, for example by analyzing your market-specific scenarios and challenges. On this basis, we create an implementation roadmap to optimize your Operations Footprint with clearly defined milestones. Best practice examples from your industry and other sectors provide valuable points of reference for the implementation phase.

Take advantage of EFESO's expertise to further develop your Operations Footprint in the following areas:

1. Manufacturing Footprint

2. Physical logistics

3. Purchasing and Supply Chain Risk Management

Footprint Rethought!

Reducing complexity is one of the key challenges in managing global supply chains and production sites. Two trends are shaping day-to-day business here: firstly, external complexity growths because of higher volatilities and more disruptions as well as demographic changes. Secondly, internal complexity increases, driven by higher numbers of product variants, historical grown network structures and cost pressure.

With EFESO, you convert complexity into competitive advantages. Realize significant improvements in your value creation processes with us. Results from our Footprint Rethought projects include, per example:

5 % - 9 % increased revenue

6 %- 10 % increased EBIT

20 %- 30 % reduced capital spend

20 %- 30 % reduced number of nodes

We support you with a unique combination of industry expertise:

Sustainable footprint implementation

Our aim is to develop a customer specific future footprint design and an enabled team to be ready for implementing a network structure that supports your business now and in the future in the best possible way. In our experience, the following elements are critical to success:



Ahmed Sahyoun

Ahmed Sahyoun
Expert Partner

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Dr. Kai Magenheimer

Dr. Kai Magenheimer

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Mann sitz an einer Produktionsmaschine
Case Study

Reorganization of the manufacturing landscape: A manufacturer of industrial pumps is pursuing the goal of achieving a new sales growth record within three years. With EFESO, the mechanical engineering company therefore put the manufacturing footprint of eight locations and subsidiaries in its international production network to the test. Among other things, it analyzed the product groups and segmented the manufacturing landscape.

Case Study

Champions do not rest contentedly with their success, but always have their sights set on the next milestone. A technology group with around 20,000 employees at over 16 locations worldwide is also orienting itself in the direction of such a “North Star”. His starting points: an operational strategy and the initiatives derived from it, which should be implemented at every location in order to make them even more efficient.

Mann mit blauen Overall und Haarnetz an einer Maschine in der Chemie-Industrie
Case Study

A market leader strengthens its Global Footprint structures. With a turnover of around EUR 10 billion, the company is one of the market leaders in the life science and chemicals sector. After a long period of successful global growth, developments such as tougher competition and shifts in demand between regions are jeopardizing the achievement of the ROCE (return on capital employed) targets.

Case Study

A wood processing company wanted to improve its planning quality while reducing planning efforts. EFESO developed a suitable solution concept for an S&OP process based on SAP IBP (Integrated Business Planning), allowing the planning process to be standardized and automated, as well as bring about more flexibility and increasing efficiency. An intensive dry run was carried out in the first stage of the project.