German Sustainability Award
Under the motto "from the top to the breadth", the German Sustainability Award (Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis - DNP) honors exemplary sustainability performance by companies. As the largest award of its kind in Europe, the DNP aims to encourage business and the municipal sector to act sustainably.
The DNP has been awarded annually since 2008 by the Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V. and its cooperation partners. These include the German federal government, the German Council for Sustainable Development, municipal associations and business associations. The winners are honored in various categories for pioneering achievements in the transformation to a sustainable future. The selection criteria are based on the goals of the UN Agenda 2030 and the German Sustainability Strategy.
Sustainability benchmarks from 100 industries
The Business Award is the centerpiece of the DNP. Its winners have long illustrated which approaches work in an exemplary manner. This year, the identification and selection of the pioneering companies in 100 industries is intended to help scale the transformation to sustainability across the breadth and depth of all industries.
The winners of the 100 most sustainable companies in the country were honored at an event in Düsseldorf on November 28, 2024. The most successful solutions in the climate, resources, nature and society segments were also recognized across all sectors.

On November 29, 2024, we were represented on stage together with Dr. Michael Karrer, SVP of the ZF Group and Jost Kamenik, GMC member of the EFESO Group.

Expert jury members from EFESO
EFESO is involved in selecting the winners in the expert juries with several industry and topic experts. As a consulting company in the manufacturing industry, we make a substantial contribution to ensuring environmental and social sustainability.
In our projects, we have been helping companies reduce their ecological footprint for many years. At the same time, we show ways to recognize and exploit the opportunities that arise from sustainable corporate action. We are pleased to contribute this expertise to the competition and help raise to an increased awareness of this crucial issue for the future.

Dr. Thomas Troll
Juror for the industries:
Sanitary engineering I Mechanical engineering I Heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology
Tim Ballenberger
“To meet the global sustainability challenges, we need bold and scalable solutions. With the DNP, we manage to identify these solutions and give them the visibility they need.”
Juror for the industries:
Hydraulics, pumps, compressors | Transport infrastructure (incl. ports)

Dr. Kai Magenheimer
Juror for the industries:
Dairy and fresh products I Food and beverages
Fernando Cruzado
“The circular economy and energy efficiency are becoming more central to value creation in the chemical industry. This not only opens up new lucrative business areas such as battery recycling – this focus is an economic necessity in Europe and essential for differentiation in global competition.
We are also seeing that truly circular value chains are only possible in partnerships across industry boundaries. Making these collaborations effective and profitable is another challenge, but also an opportunity for the industry.”
Juror for the industries:
Chemical industry