
445 results:
111. Factory of the Future  
Eine Fabrikhalle in der der ein Roboter die Arbeit verrichtet Cloud reduces interfaces Every interface basically contributes to changing information, lengthening lead times and increasing the effort involved in processing. All of this pushes prices up. In…  
112. Agile methods in software development  
Zwei Maenner vor einem Computer With such a wide variety of products, it is particularly difficult to find the ideal form of organization for R&D. After all, there are new impulses, ideas and requests from customers,…  
113. End-to-end digitization  
Mann mit futuristischem Tablet in einer Fabrik mit End-to-End Digitalisierung The „Big Picture“ The group sells a variety of established brands under one roof and is represented in various European markets. The broad range of the product portfolio ranges from luxury to…  
114. Standards for operational excellence in an international factory network  
Bild einer Montagestraße für Autos mit Robotrarmen Guaranteeing the information flow But how effective are these measures in practice? To find this out and to make any adjustments that might be necessary, ROI-EFESO conducted telephone interviews…  
115. Cost reduction/restructuring due to market changes  
Close-up einer Maschine Cost reductions thanks to transparency Precisely this complexity of restructuring quickly put the project on course for success. Instead of tearing only sub-areas out of the lethargy of their…  
116. OPEX: Worldwide Operational Excellence Initiative  
Bild einer Industrieanlage A culture of continuous improvement However, there is no ‘perfect’ OPEX master plan that can be implemented at time X. The working world is changing far too fast for this. For example, anyone who…  
117. Reduction of complexity through standardization  
Bild einer Industrienaemaschine Make or buy in China For the planned relocation of the assemblies to China, the company also needed a new, regional supplier pool to be able to correctly assess ‘make or buy’ decisions as part of…  
118. Quality excellence  
Arbeiter an einer Fertigungsstraße ROI-EFESO’s lean supply chain management In addition to the points outlined above, there are, of course, many other practical ways to increase the effectiveness of quality management and to…  
119. Manufacturing Excellence: Optimizing instead of improvising  
Frau mit Haarnetz bei der Produktion eines Chemie-Produkts Largest plant as pilot and germ cell With this objective, the program was initially launched in a pilot project at the company's largest production site in Rotterdam. The milestones: measurable…  
120. Stabilize Processes and Reduce Costs  
Frau spricht vor Gruppe zur Prozessoptimierung ROI-EFESO success model The improvement program started with a boot camp in which ROI-EFESO trained the central control team on how to use the methods and tools, including root cause analysis and…  
Search results 111 until 120 of 445