FACING THE STORM - How e-mobility is transforming the supplier industry

Still, pure electric cars are an exception in the streetscape. But the switch to the electric powertrain is gaining momentum in the industry. We present three dimensions in which particularly serious changes can be expected.

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The Killer App

Electromobility is creating new rules for carmakers and their suppliers. With e-mobility, the automotive industry is facing the biggest paradigm shift in its more than one-hundred-year history. This change could be life-threatening, in particular for highly specialized suppliers.

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Warning Signals in the Management Cockpit

How e-mobility is altering the balance of power in the automotive industry. All-electric cars are still the exception on our streets. However, the switch from the drive concept of the combustion engine to the electric powertrain is gaining momentum in the industry. We present three dimensions where particularly far-reaching changes can be expected.

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E-mobility: The Changing Automotive Life-cycle

Infographic illustrating the four life stages of the electric car. The development, production, use, and recycling of an electric vehicle provide opportunities for new business models, but also require new skills.

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„Die Ladeinfrastruktur ist die Achillesferse der Elektromobilität“

Im Interview erläutert Christoph Stoppok, wie sich die E-Mobilität auf Unternehmen der Elektroindustrie auswirken kann – und welche Hürden noch überwunden werden müssen.

Interview mit Christoph Stoppok, ZVEI

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Breaking the Mold as a Factor for Success

Threat or opportunity? How established automotive industry suppliers can hold their own in the switch to e-mobility. E-mobility poses a threat to virtually every company that supplies components and systems for the traditional powertrain. We use a product-market matrix to demonstrate opportunities for survival

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“We need to rethink the car”

Interview with Professor Matthias Busse, Chairman of Forum ElektroMobilität e.V. Professor Matthias Busse describes how e-mobility is changing value chains in the automotive industry and what technological innovations are gaining significance.

Interview mit Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Busse, Vorstandsvorsitzender Forum ElektroMobilität e.V.

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New Business Fields with Electric Vehicles

Infographics showing six new business fields and structural changes We show what commercial areas of activity are springing up around electric vehicles and what structural change in the automotive and supply industry might look like.

Source: Schneider: Modernes Sourcing in der Automobilindustrie. Gabler (2011)

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