Cost reduction and efficiency increase in the machinery and plant construction industry

Companies in the machinery and plant construction sector have to withstand considerable cost pressure. Their customers expect high product quality and services at reasonable prices – in order to fulfill this and be innovative at the same time, they have to master various cost drivers.

Creating synergies from future-oriented technology

and optimized workflows reduces cost pressure.

Investments in research and development, for example for prototypes and test systems, can lead to high fixed costs. With ROI-EFESO, machinery and plant construction companies achieve strict cost control as an essential prerequisite for profitability. This ranges from cost-oriented product design and material costs to the entire value chain, in which we make bottlenecks visible and eliminate waste in the production process. We also show how processes in direct and indirect areas can become more efficient and generate further savings.


Projects to reduce costs and increase efficiency with the ROI-EFESO team achieve these results in the industry (selection):

  • 40% Reduction of controllable indirect costs
  • 50% Increase in CapEx* savings
  • 50% Shortening time-to-market

* Capital Expenditures

Success factors for cost reduction and efficiency increase in the machinery and plant construction sector

In order to achieve these and other results, we concentrate on these tasks and fields of action, among others:

  • Cost reduction program: creation of individual cost reduction programs that provide starting points for fast-acting savings effects and effective long-term improvement measures. Learn more >
  • Zero-Based Organization: consistent realignment of corporate organizations towards lean and cost-efficient processes in indirect areas; development of a roadmap for the re-dimensioning of locations in order to optimally support the company's value-adding processes. Learn more >
  • Value & Cost Engineering (VCE): maximizing product value while minimizing its cost without compromising quality or functionality. Close examination of the VCE potential of products and components, systems and services offered. Learn more >



Dr Thomas Troll

Dr. Thomas Troll

Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0



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