Articles and interviews on current trends, technology and industry challenges, information on our consulting services, seminars and events as well as company topics:

Here you can find out what drives EFESO.


Two goals currently have top priority for many companies - reducing costs and using value-added resources as efficiently as possible. In this newsletter issue, we illustrate how this can be achieved with exemplary approaches and use cases:

  • Cost reduction approach: quadruple boost for savings along the value chain
  • Case Study: Restructuring and cost reduction in mechanical engineering
  • Sustainable value creation: Increasing resource productivity
  • Consulting Rankings: EFESO "Best Consultants" and "TOP Consultants" 2022

In addition, we cordially invite you to our online event INDUSTRY 4.0 INSIGHTS in April - more about this also in the newsletter.


Quadruple boost for savings

Develop the optimal cost reduction program for your organization with us. Whether for short-term needs or for continuous, long-term savings - benefit from our cost reduction approach developed specifically for the industry!

This combines four phases - and makes the effectiveness of the measures visible in just three months:

CHALLENGE - Quick Assessment
DEEP DIVE - Functional & Structural Assessment
INNOVATE - Continuous Deviation Management
REALIZE -- Implementation Management & Controlling

Reduce costs



Mastering the turnaround

Good balance sheets can create comfort zones. Respond to attacks from competitors? Increase flexibility in the face of fluctuations in demand? Maybe in five years.

If the threat is then suddenly particularly severe and imminent, many companies react with drastic measures in one or a few areas. However, there is another way, as our case study on a restructuring project by EFESO in plant and mechanical engineering demonstrates.

Learn more




Increase resource productivity

Set sustainability targets and effectively improve resource use across all segments of the value chain - our Sustainable Value Creation approach can help you achieve this and more.

We have compiled success factors and practical examples for the establishment and further development of "Low Impact Factories" and "Low Impact Supply Chains" for you on our website.

Optimize environmental and cost balance



EFESO awarded as "Best Consultant" and "TOP Consultant"

For the eighth time in a row, we achieve TOP rankings in the market study "Best Consultants" by brand eins. Customers and consulting colleagues again see EFESO in a top position in the industry "Mechanical and Plant Engineering" as well as in the work area "Operations Management".

We are also delighted to have been named "TOP Consultant 2022" in the "Automotive" category of the latest market study by FOCUS-BUSINESS magazine. This is also based on recommendations from management consultants and customers, especially decision-makers in companies. We would like to thank the study participants and our team for their commitment, which made these successes possible!

Learn more about best consultant 

Learn more about top consultant



INDUSTRY 4.0 INSIGHTS from the benchmark projects

Get cutting-edge insights from international leaders on digitization in the industry at our online event INDUSTRIE 4.0 INSIGHTS.

Learn first-hand from EFESO which methods and insights from the projects of the applicants and winners of the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD can be beneficial for your Industrie 4.0 practice. Register now for the next event on Friday, April 8 from 15:00-15:30 CET!

Expanding industry 4.0 competencies



Anna Reitinger

Anna Reitinger

Chief Marketing Officer DACH, EFESO
Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0

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