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Newsletter #04/2023 – SMART FACTORY EXCELLENCE

The success stories of many Smart Factories contain heroic deeds, stage victories and extraordinary twists and turns. It is particularly exciting to experience the development of your own plant into an exemplary Smart Factory.

In this newsletter issue, you will learn how you can shape the chapters of such a success story with dedicated teams, technological innovations, the wealth of experience of Industry 4.0 pioneers or single-handedly as an Industrial Data Manager.



Three winners of the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD will open the doors to their top factories in the Regensburg region exclusively for you. At our SMART FACTORY TOUR on June 21 and 22, 2023, you will gain unique live insights into the implementation of digitization solutions and experience their benefits at the point of value creation. In the process, you will expand your Industry 4.0 network in an exchange with expert colleagues about trends and success factors on the way to the Future Factory. 

Register now




The success story of RITTAL GmbH shows how a smart factory connects around 300 employees and 250 machines in an exemplary manner. With control cabinet systems, cooling units and edge data centers, the company supplies products for the interfaces between industry and IT. With Industry 4.0 technologies such as digital twins, RITTAL improves data quality as well as transparency along the process chain at its plant in Haiger – and thus secured a place in the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD Hall of Fame in 2022.

Hall of Fame




EVERYONE has the chance to win the most important international award in Industry 4.0! You measure yourself against your peers. The classification of your application documents is based on parameters such as turnover, number of employees, foundation, etc. Thus, even StartUps do not have to hide behind corporations. Whether it's a global sustainability initiative, a factory automation project or an IIoT pilot, the size of your company is irrelevant when applying for the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD. Your solution only needs to have already proven itself in practical use. With the fast and free application process, you will quickly place your Industry 4.0 success story in the running for the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD 2023.

Apply now




Expand your know-how on the application of analytics tools and platforms for data collection, visualization and analysis. In our course to become a certified "Industrial Data Manager" from July 04 to 07, 2023, you will learn how to use data in the production environment to optimize processes and develop specific use cases for Industry 4.0 / Smart Factory. You will also get an overview of the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) for digital networking and control of your machinery and equipment. 

To the course



Anna Reitinger

Anna Reitinger

Chief Marketing Officer DACH, EFESO
Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0

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