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Expert interview: Digital integration of machines and plants

Digital integration of machines and plants: the basis of Industry 4.0 success

Several core elements of Industry 4.0 are necessary to build highly flexible, efficient and (partially) autonomous smart factories.

A central role is played by the topic of connectivity, which includes in particular the recording, provision and networking of data from the machines and systems used. This forms the foundation for all other stages of further development.

Increase maturity of machine integration

However, many companies are not yet implementing the digital integration of machines consistently and comprehensively enough to be able to exploit the full potential of Industry 4.0.

In an article for OEM & Supplier magazine, Prof. Dr. Werner Bick, Senior Partner at ROI-EFESO, names ten measures that companies can use to gradually increase the maturity of machine integration.

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Anna Reitinger

Anna Reitinger

Head of Marketing, ROI-EFESO
Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0

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