Lean Six Sigma Expert
(Level: Green Belt)

With the DMAIC method to higher process performance

Learning goals

The 10-day course to become a certified "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt" qualifies you to develop sustainable solutions for complex problems in the company. You will understand the structured problem-solving process DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) and how to apply the related analysis and improvement methods from Lean Management and Six Sigma. You will be able to work independently on Six Sigma projects and lead a team in a results-oriented manner.


  • Basics for the classification of Lean Management and Six Sigma
  • Integration and reference of Six Sigma in important QM system standards
  • Systematic development of performance measurement systems for process analysis and process management
  • Methodical approach to Six Sigma projects (DMAIC cycle)
  • Contents, requirements and systematic procedure in the Six Sigma phases
  • Lean Six Sigma toolbox and the intelligent connection of methods in the context of Lean Six Sigma projects
  • Requirements for the professional collection, illustration and interpretation of data
  • Practical benefit and use of necessary statistical procedures in the problem-solving process up to DOE



  • High learning success through practical exercises, case studies and many application examples
  • Transfer of implementation into the own company through an integrated practical project incl. coaching
  • New methodological and extended problem-solving skills, also for your everyday work life
  • Exchange of experience and networking with experts and peers


Target group

This certification program is aimed at professionals and managers from production, quality, logistics, engineering, maintenance, assembly as well as development, administration, lean management, industrial engineering and supply chain


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